Senator Hoeven & Cramer’s Staff Members Visit BWR Innovations During April

Tom Brusegaard from North Dakota Senator John Hoeven’s Office and Michael Kelsch from North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer’s Office visited BWR Innovations in Fargo during April to learn about BWR Innovation’s involvement in cutting edge projects. The staff members also received updates on several special projects involving BWR Innovations’ iNsite ioT telemetry system products and the Sol Source fuel cell projects.
Staff members observed demonstrations of the Sol Source Fuel Cell Generator and had discussions about an upcoming self-sustaining, solar-powered/fuel cell-powered GREEN home project. Mr. Brusegaard and Mr. Kelsch received updates on temperature monitoring projects in schools, food processing industry, animal health, and restaurant/event center industries. BWR Innovations involvement in the technological growth of fuel cell electrical generation and fuel storage was also discussed.
BWR Innovations looks forward to keeping the Senators and their staff informed as the projects develop further, and are excited to see how our offices can work together with new project opportunities.
Earlier in the month, North Dakota Congressman Kelly Armstrong and Staff person Mary Christy visited BWR Innovations for an update on new projects and developments. BWR Innovations would like to thank the North Dakota Congressional Delegation for their recent visits to our facility and look forward to future visits, discussions, and cooperation.